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Office Staff

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Jody Scott


Jody has an Associate Degree in Business Administration and a Paralegal Certificate.
Jody has over 20 years of experience as a Paralegal, with the majority of her experience being in
family law. In addition to her experience as a Paralegal, she was a Conference Officer for
Clarion County Domestic Relations for 7 years.
Jody is a proud mother to her two daughters, Isabella and Elizabeth. In her spare time,
she enjoys skiing, boating, spending time in the outdoors and traveling.

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Kala Adams


Kala obtained an Associate's Degree in Business from the DuBois Business College in 2007.She began working at Munsee Law in May of 2021.  

Kala is a resident of the New Bethlehem area. She is the proud mother of her three children, Blair, Deagan, and Addi. 


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