Office Staff
Jody Scott
Jody has an Associate Degree in Business Administration and a Paralegal Certificate.
Jody has over 20 years of experience as a Paralegal, with the majority of her experience being in
family law. In addition to her experience as a Paralegal, she was a Conference Officer for
Clarion County Domestic Relations for 7 years.
Jody is a proud mother to her two daughters, Isabella and Elizabeth. In her spare time,
she enjoys skiing, boating, spending time in the outdoors and traveling.
Kala Adams
Kala obtained an Associate's Degree in Business from the DuBois Business College in 2007.She began working at Munsee Law in May of 2021.
Kala is a resident of the New Bethlehem area. She is the proud mother of her three children, Blair, Deagan, and Addi.